Sacred Mom Space
Virginia Woolf was on to something when she wrote about a woman having a room of her own. While not all of us moms are fiction writers, we all need a room of our own if we are to mother.
Really let that idea sink in…if you are to be the best mom you desire to be, you need space you can call your very own. You need space that’s sacred.
First, let’s be clear what I’m talking about here. An actual room with four walls and a closed door can provide privacy and solitude, which is what Virginia Wolf referred to. Moms need this kind of physical space to withdraw from the daily motherhood grind.
But when I say that moms need sacred space, I’m referring to that space within where we touch peace and feel alive – where we can find our inner freedom.
Lost In The Grind
When you’re pushing through the days and dealing with tantrums, poop blowouts, cleaning your kiddo’s crayon murals off the walls, going to work, and everything else you do to run your household, any sense of sacred space can feel buried ten feet deep.
You get so caught up in the grind that you forget how to return to your sacred space.
Or perhaps you’re putting more value on the grind than you are on finding peace?
So often I get caught in what I call a Mommy Vortex. Dinner is in the process of being put on the table, our dog is begging to be fed, one child is crying because she can’t find her missing tap shoe, and the other is begging me to watch her hula hoop. I’m also mentally processing my day and ticking things off my evening to-do list.
It’s especially in these Mommy Vortex moments when I’m caught up in the grind, and I am so far from resting in my sacred space.
Return To Your Sacred Space
Yet, even through the chaos of motherhood, it is possible to cultivate a path back to the sacred.
Finding your way back begins with recognizing you’re lost in the first place. Most of us know what this looks and feels like — frazzled nerves, irritability, worrying, or losing your temper with your spouse/partner or kids.Once you are aware that you are lost, you can begin to customize your sacred space. Or in other words, define how you’re reminded of peace. Is it spending time in nature? Sitting on your deck listening to wind chimes and birds chirping? Listening to a favorite hymn?
I’m able to return to my sacred space through running, which provides me with a place to rest in the simple grace of “just being.”
Or on some days when a run isn’t possible and I’m desperate, I can be found returning to my sacred space in the middle of my kitchen floor doing a Downward Facing Dog yoga pose (my kiddos get a kick out of this one!)
However you choose to find your way back, know that you can find peace in the middle of the grind. It’s patiently waiting for your return.
How are you reminded of peace? How often do you receive care from spending time in your sacred space?